Martha Valenta

ADHD Brain Coral

Art that encourages self-acceptance and understanding of ADHD.

What is ADHD Brain Coral?

While vacationing in Belize, I was spiraling with negative self-talk over a pre-vacation, ADHD flub. Diving into the reef calmed me. When I spotted a brain coral, its curvy, mesmerizing patterns felt like a reflection of my own ADHD brain. In that moment, I accepted my beautifully inconsistent brain. Upon my return to St. Louis, I began sketching and painting what became ADHD Brain Coral, in hopes that it would help others find self-acceptance.

Goals and Plans for ADHD Brain Coral

ADHD Brain Coral is intended to help folks who have ADHD find self-acceptance, while encouraging others to better understand the neurodiverse experience.

In 2024/2025, ADHD Brain Coral is evolving into interactive, immersive, more accessible, multi-sensory works that foster empathy, joy, and connection with neurodivergent minds.

Not Broken, Just Different Sweatshirt
Cashtastrophe - a money shredding machine
ADHD Random colorful lines pants

Current & Upcoming Events

  • “Impulsive Indulgences”

    I Need That Art Gallery
    Show runs Saturdays Noon-6PM through January 25, 2025

    ADHD Awareness Month events at the gallery during this show.

    In celebration of ADHD Awareness Month, “Impulsive Indulgence” is a show featuring nine interactive, multi-sensory works that explore self-acceptance and understanding of ADHD experiences.

    Expect to see, touch, and taste the art.

    The Designing Block
    7735 Clayton Road
    St. Louis, MO 63117

    This venue has major accessibility challenges for guests with mobility issues, including stairs.

  • “Attention Disco”

    Saint Louis Public Library
    Central Branch
    Carnegie Room (Third Floor)
    May 2025

    This collection of six immersive installations invites guests to fully experience multiple facets of what it’s like to live with ADHD.

    Expect to see, hear, and, touch the art.

    Saint Louis Public Library - Central Branch
    1301 Olive St, St. Louis, MO 63103

    This show is completely accessible and inclusive.

Thank You For Your Support!

Susan Block
The Designing Block
Regional Arts Commission of St. Louis
I Need That Art
Saint Louis Art Museum
Lynn Cook

Pathways To Independence
Jodi Woessner
The Bowen Family
Piper Hutson
Tim Meehan
Matt Clemetson/Nokkensound

Nikki Zavradinos
Dana Watkins-Mullins
Betty Vatterott
Sarah Pickerell
Jennifer Grotpeter
Matt Lynch